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What does confidence in business look like?

It's all well and good to think about how you would feel with more confidence, but what would it ACTUALLY look like to run your creative business with more confidence and self-trust?

💥 Knowing what YOU want from your business and not making decisions based on what others are doing or telling you to do to be successful.

💥 Trusting your knowledge and knowing when there is a genuine lack of knowledge. You don't take ALL the business courses and freebies and masterclasses (because you are scared that you don't know enough), you just buy the ones you actually need and will complete.

💥 Not over-giving to clients -- having boundaries around your work and sticking with them.

💥 Charging a price for your work that fees good and right for you -- not letting 𝘧𝘦𝘢𝘳 dictate what you charge.

💥 Confidence to share your new ideas and products without a crippling fear of judgement [it's never going away, but you know that you've got yourself, so you don't care as much about what others think.]

💥 Knowing that perfection is overrated and not letting it hold you back from taking action.

💥 Knowing that if something goes wrong you've got the resources to hold yourself gently and compassionately.

ALL of this is possible for you. You've already got all the tools you need, they may just be buried at the back of the shed, under the old compost bags and discarded plant pots [sorry, couldn't help the gardening metaphor. Also, is this just my shed? 😂].

I would love to help you get to this place. ♥️

If you're interested in exploring coaching, book a free "get to know you" call (and I promise, there will be no hard sales, that's not how I roll!)

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